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Highlander's Embrace Page 12

  At this point, what was the purpose of trying to hide herself from him anymore? He had seen her as rough as possible. When he looked to her, she felt herself melt a little inside, a warmth rise in her chest and between her thighs.

  She shook the sensation away, pretending that she had a headache. She squeezed the bridge of her nose and held her eyes shut, fighting off the temptation to focus on him moving toward her, the sound of his nude calves brushing through the tall grass. The orange sky from the sunset was quickly being overtaken by the blue-black ink of the night, the twinkling of the brightest stars already showing up on the horizon to the east.

  When she opened her eyes again, Gavin was next to her, sitting with his legs crossed. His sword was unbuckled from his back and laying prone in the grass. His eyes were on her, and she met his gaze for a long while. Or was it just a brief second? She turned away and unwrapped the food they had stolen from Iverlochy. Several loaves of bread and some apples were inside the folded cloth.

  She doled it out, handing him a thick loaf with an apple to finish it down with. They ate in silence, watching the moon rise over the mountains and reflect off the loch. It was as still as a mirror, only the silent insects hovering over it disturbing the sheet of the blank sky reflected in its surface.

  Gavin finished his meal and surprised Elyn when he threw the apple core into the loch, splashing with a gentle plop. The gentle waves brushed up against the shore, only noticeable because of how placid it had been before.

  She felt his eyes on her, and she looked at her half-eaten food. While she was starving, her mind was too wrapped up in overcoming the feelings that were rising inside her, almost too strong to bear anymore. She felt confused. She still felt a twinge of anger and couldn't help but blame Gavin for the attacks. But she also couldn't help but smile when she met his eyes, when he touched her arm or back while they rode through the highlands.

  He moved a bit closer to her, scooting across the grass. She kept her eyes focused on the apple in her hand, but she could feel his smile in the side of her vision, feel his warmth radiating from his body, that longing touch of his hand near hers. She was cross legged, but propping herself up by one hand braced against the earth. His finger grazed hers, and she felt a thick shiver move up her back to her neck. The chill of the air was suddenly noticeable.

  “It’s getting colder out...” she whispered, unsure why. It wouldn’t have been absurd to speak in a normal voice, but she didn’t want to dispel the mood. She didn’t know how he could reply to what she said. She added, “should we make a fire?”

  He shook his head. “No. We can’t risk getting seen. We’ll have to stay warm like we did before.” He looked to the horses, who were already snuggled against each other, their heads resting atop each other’s broad necks. The grass just barely struck their ears, hiding them from sight from the road. Gavin cast a smile at Elyn.

  Elyn smirked. “Would it be so awful if we had to share a spot on the ground tonigh’?”

  He was silent. Elyn moved closer to him, her heart racing with her boldness. He looked at her with a yearning gaze, before his hand moved to her cheek and cradled it. His fingers felt warm against her skin. She nudged her cheek against his palm, looked at him deeply. She felt a sense of peace as she let herself open up to him, her guard falling without warning.

  He pulled her close and kissed her, the warmth and touch of his lips threatening to graze her. She embraced him, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him closer, their gasps between kisses only brief and quick. She drank him in as he kissed her, a wild energy loosing itself from her chest, a frenzied kind of feeling.

  He kissed her again and moved his lips down to her chin, the soft warmth of his breath cascading down the nape of her neck. The necklace she was wearing seemed cold against her chest, but his breath warmed it. He kissed her neck, cradling her with his embrace and letting her melt against him. She let out a small moan of satisfaction, besmirched by her shamelessness. He chuckled as he kissed her skin that peeked out above her dress, daring not venture further.

  Gavin released her and moved atop of her, his hand cradling her face. He dared to squeeze her knees. She gasped in a sense of eagerness and temptation as he teased her, his hand pushing up her dress slightly above the middle of her thigh, exposing her supple skin. He kissed her again, his growing beard scratching at her skin. In the dim glow of the moonlight, he spotted a dark mark on her inner thigh.

  Elyn kissed him again, and he lavished it, letting his emotions take control. His heart swelled as they swapped secret kisses, keeping themselves chaste by not exploring further than the edge of their clothes. Still, her hands explored his chest, stroking his strong muscles. He shimmered under her touch, running his hand gently up her knee and stopping before he went too far. Their breathing grew shallow and tense.

  His eyes kept wandering back to her leg. “That birthmark...” Gavin whispered, touching his hand to her thigh for a brief second. The warmth of his fingers felt almost cold against her body, but she tingled at his proximity, at his gentleness.

  “I’ve had it me whole life, have you never seen one before?” Elyn asked him, she planted a quick kiss on his cheek, making him chuckle.

  He shook his head. “That’s not it. My father spoke of such a birthmark, one he had seen before. A shape of a tattered loch above the left knee...” his words trailed off. He wrapped his arms around her and held her close, his chin resting on her head.

  She chuckled slightly. “Gavin, what are ye on about?”

  “By the grace of God,” he said. “Could it be you?”

  She ducked out from under his chin and looked at him. Her fiery blue eyes meeting his gaze, the heat of the moment boiling the air between them. “Could be who?”

  “The MacDonald babe that was stolen twenty years ago. The one I was arranged to marry. Elyn Douglas, I think your true clan is the MacDonalds.”

  She stared back at him, bewildered. Her mind raced as she tried to turn over all the information. All the stray thoughts that she wasn’t like her sister or her parents, the lingering moments of temptation when she felt she didn’t belong, that she had to escape and run away, to find herself. Gavin couldn’t be right, could he? To be a MacDonald, the MacDonald that plunged the country into a feud, that would be a miracle.

  “What does that mean?”

  He thought for a moment, scratching his beard and leaning back. She still felt the heat from him meeting her, that steamy anxiety melting the air between their bodies. “That the MacDonalds never lost their child. That Robert Maxwell has lost before he's even started. That’s what he meant in the castle, when he said we both found each other.”

  “God decided we’d find each other, is that what you’re saying?” Elyn shook her head. “I donae like that. That makes it sound like all this absolute madness had to happen. My family, yer Da, all this bloodshed, had to happen for us? I donae like it, not at all.” She went cold.

  Gavin shook his head, bewildered. “No! I’m not sayin’ that at all, runag. We had to, it’s the only way we can... the only way we can stop all this.”

  “By handing me over to the MacDonalds? Now that I'm not some peasant? Am I more useful to ye now?” She felt herself choke a little. “My whole life I've felt like nothing, felt like I wasn't somebody I was supposed to be. Someone who didnae belong!” She squeezed her eyes shut and tears streamed down her cheeks.”

  “Who said anything about handing you to the MacDonalds? Elyn, you're not nothing. Not to me you aren't. Not to your family.” He touched her cheek and wiped a tear away.

  Elyn softened a little and turned to face him again. He continued. “Why would I give you up when I just found you? Twenty years, Elyn. Twenty years. I’ve felt like I was searching for someone.”

  “Aye, a lot of those years you were a babe, too. It donae change the fact ye were raised in the castle and I was left to rot in some village.”

  “That isn’t my fault. Donae be angry at — .” She opened her eyes an
d put a finger to his lips, shushing him. She shook her head.

  “I'm sorry. It's a lot to take in.” She wiped her eyes and patted her hands dry on her dress. “It isn't you I'm mad at, it’s that snake Maxwell. He's the reason I never knew who I really was. Where I really belonged.”

  “Aye. Now, we can turn the tables on him. And we will. But first we have to make it to Eilean Donan, healthy and alive. We should get some rest.” He leaned in and kissed her on the cheek again, but she felt him hesitate before he pulled away.

  Elyn felt a the fire flare up between them again, crackling and sizzling. Despite that sensation, she didn’t want to start anything again, it was a mindless game they played together earlier. While it was exciting, she couldn't risk being so improper. She rolled over with his cloak in hand and curled into a ball, shivering to keep the cold away. She felt him stir as he moved to situate himself near the horses.

  Hours passed and the chill in the autumn air was too much for her. She chattered her teeth and groaned quietly, trying to roll over and stay warm. She heard a movement and froze solid, fearing whatever it might be. Was it one of the king’s men? Had they been discovered?

  It moved closer and she dared not peek through the cloak. Maybe it hadn’t seen her, whatever it was. She heard Gavin groan as he lowered himself to the ground. Relief washed over her as he slung his arm over her and pulled her close to him, whispering into her ear that he was there now, she would stay warm at any cost.

  Chapter 12: Gavin

  1540 — August 30th

  The next morning, they departed from their camp. Their travel by road cut their trip down by a large amount and by the time nightfall had fallen on the highlands, they had reached Dornie. As they rode over the last hill, Gavin could briefly see a small shadow of the castle he so longed to be back inside. Smoke no longer billowed from it, but he swore for a flash of an instant he could see an orange glow inside the walls. He needed to get back, his heart racing at the idea.

  He turned to Elyn, who gave him an assured nod, before he headed down the hill, hearing her follow closely behind him. It didn’t look like the Maxwells or MacDonalds had marched on the castle yet, but Gavin couldn’t be sure until they were back inside.

  The farm land near the castle walls looked promising, untouched save for some small damage that the raiders had no doubt wrecked. A light drizzle fell on Gavin’s head, the smell of the wet earth rising like a tender fog over the landscape. A small wind whipped across the grass, kicking up plumes of dust and foliage. Gavin inhaled deeply as they brought their horses down the hills and back onto the well-worn road that led into the castle walls.

  The gates were unguarded, which made Gavin uneasy. He stopped at the stables and dismounted his horse before helping Elyn off of Rhys. They locked the two loyal steeds into the stalls and passed through the gates unseen.

  The castle village was dark, only the flickering light of the braziers giving the two a sense of how desolated it was. Making their way through the cobbled streets, they reached the entrance to the castle proper, where they encountered two nervous-looking guards standing watch. When the first guard heard Gavin approaching, he took a step forward and called out into the darkness.

  “Who goes there?” The guard spat on the ground and his expression hardened. Gavin stepped out of the light and watched the guard’s eyes light up, his grip loosening from his sword. “MacKenzie! You’re back!”

  “There’s no time for talk, I have to see Alec immediately,” Gavin said. “It’s urgent.”

  Barron Macrae moved between the guards and grinned when he saw Gavin. He bellowed at the guard, “What are you waiting for? Let him pass! God damn fool...” The guard moved to the side sheepishly. Barron opened his arms and embraced Gavin, giving him a strong smack on the back. He led Elyn and Gavin inside.

  “I knew you were still alive, ye stubborn dog,” Barron said. He smacked his lips loudly and threaded his fingers through his beard. “Who might this lass be? Wait, don’t tell me — Elyn Douglas.”

  “Aye, turns out she’s more than that. Take us to Alec, I’ll explain everything there.”

  Barron raised his brow and shrugged. He waved for the two to follow him as he bounded up the stairs and into the castle, toward the chambers.


  Barron led them to Gavin’s chambers and held the door open for them to walk in. Alec was standing near the window when Barron called out over Gavin’s shoulder. “Look who I found milling around outside the castle!”

  “Sheena! Is that you?” Elyn said, brushing past the men. Sheena turned at the sound of her sister’s voice and nearly broke down into tears at the sight of her. “You’re alive!”

  The balcony door was ajar, letting in the cool night breeze from the highlands. Rain spilled into the chamber, but Alec seemed to pay no mind to his damp clothes. Sheena moved from Alec and embraced her sister. Alec looked over the two with a smile and greeted Gavin and Barron.

  “Gavin. It’s about time you made it back. Christ, I was beginning to worry...” Alec said, unrestrained cheer sneaking into his voice. He settled back down into a chair and invited Barron and Gavin to sit, leaving Elyn and Sheena to reunite With a passing glance over the women, he met the two men.

  Elyn and Sheena hugged. After a long moment,Elyn pulled away from Sheena and gazed at her. “You’ve seen better days.”

  “Aye, so have ye,” Sheena said. “We’ll have to be a bit quiet, Da and Ma are asleep.” She pointed to the large bed, where their parents were resting, their arms wrapped around each other. “Thank Alec and Barron Macrae for savin’ the lot of us, I thought we was goners.”

  Elyn’s eyes watered over as she stared at them, unbelieving that they were okay. “I’m so glad.”

  Barron nodded and rubbed his chin, “Gavin, what is the news from the castle? I expect ye made it there... but you donae have any men with ye...”

  “I assure you, I do have plenty of good news for ye lot.”

  “Aye,” Alec stated. “I have news as well. Some distressing news at that.”

  “The King was of no use, he’s being manipulated by the Maxwells. They’ve had their hand in the king for far too many years, and not just him, but all of us. You remember the MacDonald kidnapping?”

  “God’s grace, how could I forget?”

  Gavin turned to Elyn and nodded. “You’re looking at the missing MacDonald babe.” Sheena looked at her sister and held her hand to her mouth.

  “Elyn! You’re practically royalty!”

  Elyn shook her head, “Nay, a name donae make me anything except what I am, a Douglas.”

  “My god.” Alec began to rise, his face turning red. “She’s been here all along!”

  “The King has been poised against us. He thought that Angus was plotting to overthrow him. His mind has been poisoned no doubt by the Maxwell snake.”

  Alec nodded and grunted in agreement. “Aye, that is my news. I obtained that bit of information from interrogating one of the attackers. That they were hired from a Laird, but weren’t at liberty to say who. A little persuasion was all it took to start getting him spittin’ names instead of blood.

  “Robert Maxwell intends to take the throne for himself, but he needs us out of the way. He knew this would incite a fight between us.”

  “At least we know who we’re dealing with. Who was in charge of the attack?

  “My brother, Barron Macrae, he did excellent work.” Barron nodded modestly. A bit of a rosy hue was on his cheeks.

  Gavin slammed his fist on the table, knocking over several glasses onto the floor. He paused for a moment, looking at Elyn for the right words. She was tending to her sister, but his gaze must’ve caught her attention, for she gave him a look of surprise, her face blushing as her eyes grew guarded again. Gavin turned back to Alec. “Have you been in contact with the MacDonalds?”

  Alec leaned back and slumped in his chair. “I sent word immediately after you left. I’ve sent a follow up, but God knows if Maxwell has men in their
castle as well, potentially filtering any news.” He looked at Elyn.

  “That means we donae have much time,” he said. He leaned his elbows onto his knees and clasped his hands together, wringing them with deliberation. “Elyn. I’m going to need you to stay here with Alec, I need to meet the MacDonald clansmen and stop them from destroying what’s left of our land. I only pray they’ll listen.”

  Elyn stared at him. “I won’t stay here, if that’s what yer thinkin’.”

  Alec shook his head, “This errand isn’t one for a woman — .”

  Gavin turned and snarled at Alec, nearly knocking another ornament off the table. “Donae speak to her like that. I watched her gouge a man’s eyes out. It isn’t because I donae trust she’ll be safe, aye, I’ll be sure of that, but that we need her here. If they donae listen to me, I’m sure I’ll be gutted and carried right back to my home on a spike.”

  Alec looked to Sheena, who nodded. Barron spoke up, “If you have to prove her blood, what better way than bringing her? If the Maxwells truly do have men on the inside, then that’s the only thing that’ll make the MacDonalds pay any attention to you anyway. For all they’re concerned, you should be strung up and held out to dry as soon as they catch wind of your arrival.”

  Gavin looked at Elyn, her face blushed. He wanted to kiss her, to make love to her like he should have on the highlands last night. “I donae know,” Gavin began.

  Elyn shook her head and brushed Gavin’s hands off her shoulders. “I donae care, I’m coming. If you try to keep me here, I’ll fight my way out and reach you. It donae matter.”

  Barron laughed and smacked his knee. “You got a fiery one don’cha, lad? You should go. If the Maxwells attack, they’ll be in for a hell of a treat all right. You should take some men with ye. I can go if you’d like.” Barron flexed his arm and squeezed it tight.

  “Thanks, Barron, but that shouldn’t be necessary. I need you to hold the fort here. If I meet the MacDonald army head on, having one extra soul with me won’t stop a thing.”